#002 CAUSE OF DEATH - Shot in the loft

Show notes

A wife has to call the crime scene cleaner because her husband took his own life in his own apartment. Why on earth?! Crime scene cleaner Marcell Engel tells us what's behind it.




Show transcript


#002 Cause of Death: Shot in the loft You won't find out some things.

#002 Cause of Death: A wife has to call the crime scene cleaner because her husband took his own life in his own apartment. Why on earth?! Crime scene cleaner Marcell Engel tells us what's behind it.

#002 Cause of Death: Cause of Death. The podcast with crime scene cleaner Marcell Engel.  

#002 Cause of Death: It will happen every now and then in my podcast that we dive very deeply into what is happening. I will talk about it openly. By that I mean that liquids, such as, blood as an element will be the smallest problem. I am looking forward of taking you on a mind trip into my world as a crime scene cleaner. 

#002 Cause of Death: Cause of Death. The podcast with crime scene cleaner Marcell Engel.  

#002 Cause of Death: Hello, welcome to my podcast cause of death. It's your Marcell again and I'm glad you're here. In today's episode, I'm going to describe to you that some questions don't have answers and that's perfectly fine. We won't get everything answered in life, that's for sure. Even if it leaves a big question mark sometimes. We just have to accept that this is a possibility or that we won't get an answer to some things.

#002 Cause of Death: Cause of Death. The podcast. The crime scene.

#002 Cause of Death: We had received an assignment from a wife that really challenged my personal thinking. He was an industrialist who liked to hunt and had his own hunting room in the house and unfortunately had committed suicide at the time using a large-caliber weapon, a rifle. He shot his head off, it was terrible, and left behind his wife and two small children, his father and his mother. He shot himself in the kitchen of the house and it has to be said that if a suicide takes place in this form it simply requires an incredible cleaning performance. You can roughly imagine what happens if someone executes himself with a gun. And I think everything that we have in our minds is nowhere near enough. And the actual necessity of the cleaning services and everything that awaits us as crime scene cleaners in such a situation is often much, much worse than the worst thought we have. And in the course of this cleaning measure, the woman gave us the order not only to clean up the place where the corpse was found, but also to clear the entire house. We should completely clear away the life of this person. She couldn't cope with this situation at all, and her parents made it clear to her that all things that remind of him, except photos, should no longer be there. It was somehow not clear and understandable at all why he chose this path for himself.

#002 Cause of Death: The man was successful, had several millions in his bank account. A wife who loved him more than anything. Two small children, he was lucky that his parents were also still alive and healthy. He had achieved everything what many people would have wished for in life. We were then faced with having to remove that biomass in the kitchen. And it is the case that due to the shot and the pressure ratio, tissue remnants and bone fragments of the skull can be found in the cupboards. Sometimes we actually find elements of the jaw or the bone structure, sometimes with teeth. It's a terrible scenario, and it must be said that we always imagine what the rest of the torso looked like. This is because we have to extensively purify everything that is present as biomass. And you can really imagine to yourself that there is also a very fine nebulization of the blood and so on. Every surface in such a room has to be cleaned extensively and this scenario is never different. And since we were giving the task of removing everything except photos that reminded them of him, we once again took a very deep look.

#002 Cause of Death: Cause of Death. The podcast. The profiler.

He wasn't sick, that was to be assumed. Anyways, he never said anything to his family and his doctor didn't know anything about it. And I asked myself the question: why in the Lord's name did the man shoot himself? And over and over again this question came up to me. It was not clear to me what the reason could have been for a person who supposedly has everything in life to take his own.The most valuable thing he has is life. But primarily he had everything that makes a great and comfortable life. And this question didn’t let go of me anymore. Over and over again I have asked myself this question during the course of the cleaning measures over the past few days. But it was much worse because I was stuck with this question. I was completely overwhelmed with this situation, that my head didn’t give me an answer, that my thoughts, my inner communication don't give me a plausible explanation for why this person took his own life. Sometimes I really had problems closing this topic that I had to ask myself the question: is this sick now? Have I myself somehow taken something with me that I cannot let go of and I will deal with this question for the rest of my life? In my search for the reason for the suicide, I kept coming up with the wildest constructs in my head.

I had a conspiracy theory. He was an industrialist. I knew what he was doing and thought to myself: maybe it was the competition that drove him to do it, the competition that maybe threatened him and the suicide was his only way out. Then I wondered if there was a relationship problem that his wife just didn't know about. So maybe a person he could have met caused him to consider: Am I going to give up all of this, my family, and embark on a new path in life? But all of that was controversial about what he actually did. He shot himself. The other would have been a lot easier. Therefore, a new construct, a new conspiracy theory has built up repeatedly. And still, I couldn’t answer myself this question. The speculations remained and I also didn't find out anything about the offices of his life story. Life impact. Everyone or many of you will know that certain things cannot be answered. What do we do automatically? We make up our own story about it. We try to explain the question through our stories, our thoughts.

Our inner communication actually forces us to find a solution or an answer to our question in some form. Of course, we always tend to it. That is a little bit due to our solution option, e.g. religion. The universe is gigantic, and it is actually intangible for us humans and we then try to tie the story of creation behind it. For Gods sake. Now I don't want to digress into spirituality or discredit it in any way. That’s not my idea at all, but basically it’s like this: you don’t have to explain everything to yourself. It's perfectly fine if we simply leave a question open in life and don't find an answer to every event. Therefore, its so important. Because if we answer every question, maybe our thoughts become our reality too. And it is our story, to which question we would like to find a self-defined answer at this moment, without really having facts or the truth. With this in mind, I would like to thank you very much for being part of my podcast Cause of Death and I will be very happy when you join a new episode the next time. Thank you, your Marcell.

That's it for the new episode of Cause of Death. The podcast with Marcell Engel, head of his own special unit and crime scene cleaner at more than 12,000 locations around the world. What can Marcell clean-up for you? Anytime. Worldwide. Sign up or just click through: www.marcellengel.com. Empathetic, profound, honest. Cause of death is guaranteed not to leave you indifferent.

That's it for the new episode of Cause of Death. The podcast with Marcell Engel, head of his own special unit and crime scene cleaner at more than 12,000 locations around the world. What can Marcell clean-up for you? Anytime. Worldwide. Sign up or just click through: Be there!

That's it for the new episode of Cause of Death. The podcast with Marcell Engel, head of his own special unit and crime scene cleaner at more than 12,000 locations around the world. What can Marcell clean-up for you? Anytime. Worldwide. Sign up or just click through: I am happy. Subscribe to the season and you won't be late for any episode.

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